Bermond Life Matcha Review

Bermond Life Matcha Powder

For this Bermond Life Matcha Review we purchased the Bermond Life Organic Ceremonial Grade Japanese AAA Matcha Powder which is certified Non GMO, Vegan and Organic.

Bermond Life is a British company that is focused on bringing quality products to market with a global vision towards helping people and animals.

Their premium matcha powder is made from finest young tencha leaves grown in the shade of Mount Fuji in Shizuoka, Japan.

Bermond Life Matcha Overview

Bermond Life Matcha Powder

Bermond Life Organic Ceremonial Matcha

Our Rating 95/100

For this Bermond Life Matcha review, we ordered 30 gram tin of the organic, ceremonial grade matcha powder from Amazon.

We received the order in a couple of days and we found that this matcha powder came in the classic aluminum tin with a screw on top and a sealed pop top.

Bermond Life matcha pop top tin

One of our favorite things about trying a new brand of matcha powder is breaking the seal and getting that first smell of the fresh matcha powder.

We do this with our eyes closed, so that we are not influenced by the color of the powder and we can usually tell by that first sniff whether or not we are going to like the matcha.

Breaking the seal on the bermond life matcha

We were pleasantly surprised by the very mild aroma of this matcha powder. We were expecting a much stronger, earthy smell, but it was a very pleasant, slightly grassy smell, which indicated to us that it was also going to be a very mild matcha taste, but we have been surprised before, so let's continue.

Bermond Life Matcha Review Of Color and Grind

Color and Grind Rating 90/100

The Bermond matcha life powder had a beautiful light green color, not quite as vibrant as some of the best matcha powder, but you could tell that it was high quality matcha.

The grind was not quite as fine as we would like to see. There was definitely some clumping and it was pretty clear that we were going to have to sift this matcha powder before making the green tea.

Here is a photo of the powder where you can see the grind and color for yourself.

A spoonfull of Belmond Life Matcha

So the reason that we only gave this matcha a 90 out of 100 for color and grind was because the grind was too clumpy compared to other matcha powders that we have reviewed.

Next Step is to prepare the matcha green tea and rate it on taste.

Bermond Life Matcha Review - Taste

Matcha Green Tea Taste Rating 97/100

We prepared the Bermond Life Matcha green tea with a milk frother and hot water.

This method produced a beautiful froth on top of the green tea infusion as you can see in the photo below.

Beautiful froth on top of the matcha green tea

The Bermond Life Matcha had a very mild grassy flavor, which is exactly what we expected after the first smell of the fresh matcha powder when we broke the seal.

If you like a mild matcha flavor, you are going to love this matcha powder.

Next, we made another bowl of Bermond Life matcha green tea and added it to a glass of almond milk on ice for a matcha latte.

Bermond Life Matcha Latte

This was a fantastic way to enjoy this matcha powder. The mild taste was a perfect compliment to the almond milk and a great way to get more matcha into your life!

Final Thoughts

We were very pleasantly surprised by this matcha powder from Bermond Life. It has a warm, mildly grassy flavor, much milder than some matcha powders.

We like the fact that it comes in a recyclable aluminum tin and that is certified organic by both the USDA and OCIA Japan.

Bermond matcha is perfect for enjoying in an emulsion, as green tea or in a matcha latte.

We hope that you have found this Bermond Life Matcha review helpful!

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Our Score 4.5

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